Sunday, June 8, 2014

Basel sun 8 june

Spent the day in 3 countries after 80 ks in 31 degrees along a well signed canalpath. Only got lost once which must be a record. Rode with or past between 2 and 300 cyclistes. EV6 is a phenomenal thing.
Wow. Sophisticated Basel. Was welcomed in an enormous open square cobbles everywhere... to this large and populous city by a well dressed fat old man yelling at me in a foreign language. When I responded with pardon "I'm australian"....again the tirade in whatever.....then without any hesitation in perfect English " Get off the path. It is reserved for pedestrians. You must ride in the street over there." Angrily walks off. I was avoiding tram lines having fallen on one in Geneve once and was trying to find a hotel as the tourist bureau was closed for the long weekend. Eyes raised for signs and no doubt yet another tourist.  First rudeness all trip. Probably the heat. Found a hotel 3 star and the shower was sooo good. Trekina worked perfectly today. I tried to force a crunching noise out o her without success. All day, hills, heat, rapidity ,every gear change ,and form, what a perfect bike she was today. Looking forward to bike shop tomorrow as my odometer is on the blink. Of course it is a bank holiday lundi like the queen's birthday at home. Tomorrow also Vitra musee for all the architects and their furniture at Pete's I catch a tram and then a bus....and no doubt cross 3 borders unknowingly. Now I'm eating an excellent Italian pizza washed down with a Feldschlossen. A field castle beer amber. Very refreshing after no lunch but a magnificent Montbelliarden brekkie. Nadal and Jokavic are battlin it out and my legs are sunburnt and tres tres dat tomoz ....everything is good.

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