Saturday, May 31, 2014

Sancerre Sat 31 may

Woke up to glorious river mists a seriously warm and clean shower and a chair for breakfast. Operated mit leatherman to remove a splinter from the holy cross I must have found on the compostella. A touch of rosemary oil and bobs your uncle bejesus it hurt but. My punishment I guess for thinking bad thoughts. That's all I can do really.
Then hauled my bike fully loaded up 20 odd metal stairs to access the weird canal bridge. Tres dur.
All the moto cyclists ( musical cars really) passed me and are camped here with me tonight in Sancerre. They are very organized with cluub members at every difficult junction and a little horn for gatherings.. I have my little green signs for company.
They took me very close to a nuclear reactor today so no need for a torch tonight. I'm it. Lead suits de rigeur for my return ok?
Checked in to very nice camping 3 stars with papier de toilette and hot laundry but cold showers....haha. no chairs but but beautiful trees tennis and everything is drying wonderfully
Then took off bare biked to Sancerre tour which was spectacular and well worth the two fleche hill to ride there and the very steep set of 100 claustrophobic stairs within the donjon itself. Great view over old roofs and the chateau below...lived in...... and then far off the nuclear power station. Had a beer on the way down and watched passers by. The Francais definitely dress. Obvious fashionistas, heels well pressed. Germans do the bags boating shoes grey green glasses rims. The English do floppy hats and have their pant waists far too high. Must be the gravy.
On the piste I tailor my responses as to dutch german allo, francais bonjour except if they are running. ..then tis jour with no honourifics. English good morning afternoon etc...always gets a good look. If they are vieux francais I always include the mms. That can be like a question though as the french are really programmed to respond. But then it is only surface and mostly it is only a 2 second conversation anyway.
Man my samsung note 2 is a dream machine btw. Its hooked up to the solar charger which is really great too. Even after its 2 second immersion still yet to miss a beat.
The tent is wonderful also especially now I'm sleeping the right way and the door and pockets have luminous glow in the dark end lumps. No need now I guess I'm a great big radioactive lump myself.

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