Friday, May 30, 2014

Briare friday 30 may

Lovely days ride sur Loire. Now I'm on the eurovelo there are many more cyclists fully loaded like me. And consequently an impatience with us tourists. Many more electric bikes also. The bikers were in full voice last night. Chanson after johny halliday chanson until, and I mean, it exactly 10 when silence fell. Well human silence. Man them french geese frogs and birds can keep it up all night long. Yay for ear plugs.
Funny tribal stuff occurs. The bikers are all on very expensive harley tourers immaculate polish with side cars, radios blaring, the jazz and flags you know the type. Tres chic rockers with sharp boots. Then arriving late the Spanish couple on their super super fast ducatti. Little tent obviously young and in love. In the morning, and remember the bikers are all hungover and older, the tall very beautiful Spanish girl walks right through the middle of biker tent village getting the best river views for her photo's. Not a word from anyone . Just 20 pairs of leathered eyes but then as the couple roar off she sitting high clasping dark clad Senor the goss erupts. How could she be comfortable like that? the espangol da da da?, too fast to see anything...I laughed at their envy of youthfulness.
Met a dutch troop of oldies 50 waiting in the foret and had my lunch with them.
Briare is funny place. There is a canal bridge a k long over la loire. With tourists walking parasoled up and down on either side. Weird. I rode but had to walk after all their tut tut tutts. And of all things a world famous button factory. Apparently they are embedded into the church walls.
Had a cafe in a tabac bar. The chef was having a bier and his mistress who was mad as a cut snake about the washing up complaining piled up two huge trays of dirty crockery on the bar. Then when he protested she just dropped a handful of plates on the floor. Everyone was shocked at the bruit and quickly left. Unusually wild behaviour for french pub owners....
Anyway camping 3 etoile by la loire hoping that les ourages keep over the camping car types and leave me smalls to dry....

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