Monday, May 26, 2014

Arpajon monday 26 May

Was today good or bad? Started out wonderfully with beautiful tarred piste cyclable 12ks to Massey. Light rain easy to follow path.... then by the banks of L'Orge things began to fall apart. The route manual is compostella so assumes I devoutly need to see every eglise. Then we hit the dirt and je suis perdu all because I thought to skip church. Then the rain turned everything to mud or bou on francais. Mud fricking mud all over my nice clean life. Then a flat tyre. Back tyre monster piece de glas. Mud and grease now is my lot. So flat fixed we near our goal of breuillet when the gate appears. A weird cage on a post. Struggles for me with a wet vertical bike pretending to be a human then getting stuck half way. Buggared I was with no lunch and trials one after the here I am 10 ks off my goal in the only hotel for ks around, freshly showered, hungry as the devil. Things are improving.
Mondays in France are special days. Ferme mostly so only the Turks are serving food at 4pm. Lettuce, ble, frites, tomato, my first coffee for the day was fresh and strong. I begin to recover my joie de vivre. Tommorrow we are going to hit the tar and leave behind the special piste de cyclable for dryer weather.
Perhaps the train to Orleans was the less tortuous tortoise option. Now I know.

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