Saturday, November 27, 2010

Paris 27 Nov

Paris is freezing although strangely sunny. Have a cold to compliment the weather. Saw unstoppable a movie about a runaway train. As a genre and when done well one can have ones heart set to full throttle. Although Denzel does a great job in this as the retired railway man the movie while not exactly yawn material did stretch the bounds of reason somewhat. And what's more the blatant and ubiquitous use of the cnn style news reporting format told me exactly who was gaining financially from their investment.  Even down to the viewer being in the know as facts previously presented in the movie are bent as reported on the movie screen as if they were the news. Weird how trust in media is built. However the scenes where the train does wheelies were remarkable. Not one for train spotters.

We have decided to return home as planned and not seek respite in Hong Kong. This means we will be home on Friday Dec 3 as we will stay in Sydney after the flight deposits us late Thursday.

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