Thursday, September 30, 2010


Wed 28th

After a satisfying and early breakfast most of which I feared to eat lest clog set in again we climbed back up onto the Po path, Our hostess was very lovely and gave Sheila home grown Nigella seeds which are good for  bowels. On the road by 9.30.…..
We then had a wonderful day’s ride down the fiume Po past power plants, and plantations and vegetable patches and small towns. Sunny with cool head wind we followed the Destre Po until just after Sustenatte where we lunched on small pieces of expensive bread after establishing the ristorante chiuso. Bad Pullman filled road there and an absolutely wonderful Euro Velo 7 piste cyclabile along the river banks at the backs of all the towns. Little brown signs and every  now and again a bigger one at intersections. Sometimes a chair and sometimes a more fulsome map as one enters or leaves counties. Great fun having the height of the levee bank path (two stories or more) to view the little streets for whatever we were needing, lunch, bancomat, etc…

The last section 15ks proved to be a levee bank without asphelt along the banks of Mantova’s fiume the Mincio which falls from the bottom of Lago di Garda and then joins the Po. A lovely summer arvo of lonely bike path (hard to find) populated with a solo Senora makin’ her way from town to who knows where….
Stopping at a B and B sign we are lead by car to another which is open in Bagnolo San Vito which is where we are for two nights hoping to accomplish the 10k’s to Mantova on empty bikes tomorrow with less trouble and expense.

A nice pizza in town followed by a dark ride home has finished us off after wait for it a 60k day……flat though it may have been….

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