Friday, June 6, 2014

Baume-les-dames friday 6 June

A beautiful hot 27degree 96ks along the doubs river or canals. Began the day searching out Louis Pasteur's house upon which he'd had inscribed " to you father and mother to whom I owe everything". I wish I'd done that. They were tanners and slaved for his higher education.
Then increasingly steep sided Jura foret along the very well paved piste cyclable. Magnificent Besancon. No cedilla on my phone. I was here before but camped municipal out of town  and never saw its beauty. Gave us veloistes a tooonnell in order to skip the town and meditate on the river banks. Lovely.
I rode through two well named towns today...Beure where the Camambert coloured cows rang their bells as I passed clutching my heart...and grandbois which would have been good to wake up in.
To arrive at surprisingly pretty Baume les Dames. The tourist office lady spoke good english and told me of a monument to the inventor of the steam engine used in a boat on the Doubs here...Jouffroy d'Abbans. History has stolen his work and defaced his monument which rather aptly has a befunnelled boat atop. So I simply had to divert and add him to my lifelong tally of the underdogs and maligned. We all owe you Jouffrey.
This weekend is Pentacote and c'est beaucoup des gens en vacances. I hope to be in Basel by monday and here everyone will be cooling their feet en Doubs as it is predicted 30 degrees. Bottom bracket is making funny clanks intermittently so maybe 2 restdays en Basel. Made up 3 so far so on track for Rome and Pompeii.

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