We bought some art from this man....who smiled despite the cold at the marche des creatives...
Then went to the Orsay and saw
which was inspirational and kind of kitsch all at once. I have to keep reminding myself that my current ways of seeing preclude a complete understanding of past art expression. I try hard to be sympatico. I cannot fill in all the surrounding environment but have to say that I was impressed by the man's dedication to creative expression, from sculpture to photography to painting.....all there.
The bikes are being readied tomorrow and we will try to post 'ome a lot to minimise the return load
I dreamt that I'd been possessed by a denizen of Ile De Goree who wanted me to expound the dread. I awoke in a sweat with dark imaginings hearing the fall of silver and the small creaking of masks. Dakar has really shaken my lolly. For example I watched a man in thongs pushing a barrow with car tyre wheels fully loaded with bags of concrete. Vying with trucks, taxis the lot. Pushing hard through the dust in need of a horse. Then he stops and pulls out a mobile phone and starts talking.!
Paradoxes keep me wanting to understand the dilemma from both sides. Truth is never observable from a single viewpoint. Cardinal Pell assured me today that as I was faithless I was consequently coarse uncaring and purposeless. He could push his barrow in Dakar. And likely won't
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